Friday 17 April 2020

Delivered My Baby at KPJ Rawang

Birthing is painful. That is how I like to start with 😂

I really dont know why I got pregnant again despite the intense pain I had during the first delivery. As if I have forgotten the pain and to be pregnant again was a small issue (gosh, it is not!) 😂

So, cut the story short, I delivered my second child - a beautiful baby boy (my first is a girl, thus I have a pair of children now and I guess that is enough, right??). We decided to deliver at KPJ Rawang. I started my monthly checkup from the beginning of my pregnancy with Dr. Noorfidak. 

I booked a single bed room in 2019. KPJ Rawang made a promotion last year. For this type of room, delivery services, vaccination for baby, etc, the promotional price was RM2,900 (natural delivery). Not sure whether KPJ Rawang is still up with the same promotion.

I had my contractions on Saturday afternoon. It was mild and constant i.e. 10 minutes apart. It got stronger at night and I could not get even a short nap. Everytime the contractions came, I had to stand up and hold on to something. I just needed to hold something to ease the pain. At 1am (Sunday), I informed my hubby about the intense pain. We waited a bit more to check on the gaps between each contraction. The results were quite frustrating, the contractions were not constant but I really had a bad pain. At 4am, we rushed to KPJ Rawang.

We arrived at the Emergency Department - informed them about the intense contraction, and we were immediately sent to the CTG room to check on my contractions, dilation and baby's heartbeats. I was 3cm dilated yet the surges were strong and I bleed a lot. At this point of time, the contractions were so intense and I was sooooooo in pain. After 20 minutes at the CTG room, we were transferred to the labour room. At the labour room, I dont know why but the contractions seemed to be continuos and very painful. I was not offered epidural or anything to ease my pain (its okay as I also didnt want them). Oh ya I forgot to mention about the midwife I met at the CTG room. She was so annoying and I really dont like her. I informed her that I was having baaaaddd contraction and I could not walk and I preferred not to be in the wheelchair until it stopped (she wanted to rush me to the labour room), but she forced me to sit on the wheelchair. I just ignored her grumpy face and only sit on it when I feel comfortable (while waiting for me to do that she gave me some unpleasant remarks which was soooo annoying). Okay back to the labour room. My hubby was there in the room. He witnessed my pain and the delivery process. Hospital also provide some yummy snack in the labour room and a complimentary mug. We were told not to take any photo or record any video in the labour room - sad but its okay. When it was about 6am, I was 9cm dilated and my water bag finally broke. Then, I was fully dilated and was asked to open my legs wide (I had to put my legs at those besi - which I hate so much) and push the baby out when strong contraction came. After a number of trials and assistance from the nurses, I finally delivered my beautiful baby with Dr. Noorfidak. She actually recited iqamat when the baby is about to come out from my uterus. Soon after my baby came out, we immediately had skin to skin for about 15 mins. My baby cried immediately after the delivery, Alhamdulillah.

Now the placenta and jahit-menjahit part. 5 minutes after my baby came out, I birthed the placenta. It was still painful and doctor did the stitches. Yes, I had episiotomy. Poor me right. And this part was also painful. No kidding. The pain did not go away right after I saw my baby. I was happy but also in pain. Do you get how I feel? Huhu.

If you ask me about the stitches, I would say Dr. Noorfidak did a wonderful job. I did not feel any pain after a week of delivery. I had episiotomy during my first child too but the stitches were painful even after weeks of delivery.

After the delivery, we need to rest at the labour room for 2 hours. And then, we were transferred to our room. It was spacious, just what I needed and wanted. Few moments later, a nurse sent our baby boy.

Food at KPJ was also nice (for non picky eater like me). There were some options for lunch and dinner. Toilet was spacious too. We had good time there.

Total cost for this delivery? About RM3.5k inclusive of medication and paed fees for my baby boy. Do I recommend you to deliver your baby here? Yes, definitely.

Pucuk Paku Masak Belacan Berkerang

Dah lebih sebulan pun Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan ("PKP") ni berlangsung. Dah lebih sebulan jugalah saya jadi tukang masak di rumah ni. Sebelum ni, nak masak seminggu sekali pun susah. Sekarang ni dah terbiasa masak, seronok pula jadinya walaupun perlu bekerja dari rumah.

Dalam tempoh PKP ni, ramai orang berniaga online. Ada orang jual pucuk paku dengan harga RM1.50 seikat. Saya pun beli sebab pernah makan di cafe tempat kerja sebelum ni. Kebetulan jiran sebelah pula jual kerang dengan harga RM10.00 sekilo. Saya beli juga untuk support dia. Hasilnya, saya masak pucuk paku belacan berkerang untuk makan tengahari hari ni.

Ini kali pertama dalam hidup saya masak pucuk paku. Macam tak percaya pula. Jom tengok.

1. Bawang merah 1 biji
2. Bawang putih 2 ulas
3. Belacan secukup rasa
4. Garam secukup rasa
5. Gula secukup rasa
6. Ikan bilis 10 ekor (jika suka)
7. Pucuk paku seikat
8. Kerang semangkuk kecil

Bawang putih dan bawang merah dihiris halus. Sedikit belacan dan ikan bilis. Ini adalah bahan tumis.

Seikat pucuk paku yang telah disiang. Saya hanya ambil bahagian yang ada daun dan sedikit batangnya sahaja.

Kerang yang telah direbus. Saya suka kerang, jadi saya letak lebih sikit. Kerang rebus ni makan dengan sos pun dah sedap.

Tumbuk bawang putih, bawang merah, belacan dan ikan bilis dengan sedikit air. Kalau nak mudah, blend kan saje.

Bahan tumis yang dah ditumbuk (maaf telebih air)

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Minyak dalam 2 sudu besar. Maafkan kuali yang kehitaman itu ya hehe.

Bila minyak dah cukup panas, masukkan bahan tumis serta gula dan garam.

Bila bahan tumis dah naik bau, masukkan kerang. Kacau rata. 

Masukkan pucuk paku yang dah disiang tadi.

Tambah sedikit air untuk mudahkan pucuk paku masak. Saya letak lebih air sebab saya nak kuahnya. Gaul-gaul sehingga masak.

Inilah hasilnya. Mungkin pucuk paku saya terlebih masa. Pandai-pandailah anda adjust ya 😅

Rasanya macam mana? Hmm not too bad. Saya suka. Especially sebab ada kerang (memang hantu kerang). Apa lagi, jom la cuba.

Selamat mencuba ☺