Sunday 12 March 2017

You are inside there

It has been 25 weeks now. Suddenly umi feels like time is running very quickly.

About 15 more weeks to go but umi silently prays that baby comes out a bit earlier than that. What about 2 or 3 weeks earlier? Hehehe.

Baby is being so active these few days. Of course no doubt umi is so glad and happy to feel your little tiny kicks from the inside.

Sometimes umi can also feel your small leg from the top of umi's belly while you are streching. So tiny. I hope you are doing and growing well inside there.

To feel and touch your leg (I know its your leg, I just knew it) is such an amazing feeling. Now umi feels like holding you in umi's arms already. Huwa. Amazing. Dont know how would it feel when umi really hold your tiny body later on.
Keep on kicking and streching and jumping inside there my little miracle. Im enjoying your moves. Love you.

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