Wednesday 16 May 2018

Motherhood is not easy

1. Having a child, especially of your own, is a dream of many.

2. I am blessed with an amazing baby daughter when I got pregnant with her during my third month of marriage.

3. Yes, it was fast. People were saying that first year of marriage is a honey moon year. Yes, it was a honey moon year for us, with a baby in my belly. We did almost everything together, as early as that.

4. Cut the story short, I delivered my baby during my 37th week and 4 days of pregnancy. She is absolutely beautiful and truly a gift. I still can remember how beautiful her eyes were when she looked at me right after she came out. Subhanallah.

5. So, was it easy to be a first time mother? To me, not is not easy and also easy. It depends on the tasks and situations.

Being first time mom is not easy

1. It is not easy when I have to breastfeed my baby for every two or three hours. It is prolonged until now, she is near to one year old. This leads to sleep deprivation and mood swings for most of the times. To have a supportive and supporting husband during these periods is such a bless from the Above.

2. It is also not easy as I have to learn to spare my used-to-be-personal-time for my baby. When I got married, it was quite difficult for me to digest that my personal time needs to be shared with my husband. When I become a mother, it seems like my baby needs more of my time (than my husband) and attention and I am getting less and lesser of personal time. This leads to frustration (sometimes), and again causes mood swings. What helps me to overcome this is by saying in heart that everything I do and sacrificed will be rewarded later by Allah, inshallah. But this doesn’t always work. When it doesn’t work, I exploded (this is scary I tell you). The obvious victim from my explosion is obviously my husband. May Allah grant him with the highest paradise for his patience.

3. It is not easy because I am not used to have a messy house. Stuff is always at its original position and every inch of the living space is clean. I have practiced and lived with this kind of surrounding since young. So, to see toys spreading all over the floor and my kitchen and other parts of the house in a mess because I didn’t have a chance to clean because my baby needs me cause me nerve-racking and anxious at most of the time. Hopefully I can get used to this at the soonest!

4. It is not easy because I have to do a lot of planning. Be it meal planning, cloth, etc for the three of us. When my plans don’t happen like I wish it to happen, or even sometimes I don’t have sufficient time to make a plan, this, this causes me to feel like a failure. Failure means frustration. Frustration causes mood swing. Again, you see. What kind of a person is this??

Being first time mom is EASY!

1. It is easy because I ENJOY doing things. That’s it. When we enjoy doing things, it will become easy. I have to control my mind to make sure I enjoy doing everything. Yes I have to do this now and everyday.

In short, being a first time mother requires me to learn so many things. I am learning and this learning process will never end. I will try to make my motherhood an easy one, inshallah. I hope everyone too, has a wonderful motherhood journey.


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