Tuesday 1 May 2018

Pregnancy at 16th week

Alhamdulillah. Umi made it this far! Only Allah knows how it feels to be pregnant. The first three months, oh to be more specific, the first 6 weeks were superbly challenging and full of tears. (Umi counted as 6 weeks only because before umi knows umi was pregnant, umi was just perfectly fine like no-pregnant at all. Hahah) Now? Umi feels much better than those days, alhamdulillah!

If during first trimester umi couldnt really eat, now umi can eat almost everything in front of umi's eyes! Umi lost about 5kgs during the 6 difficult weeks. Now? Umi gains a bit. Hoooopefully it wont increase too much =P

Baby bump? Yeahh, my favourite thing so far. Umi loves to see the small baby bump. You are inside there baby. Are you on the left or right side? Umi also dont know. Umi cant barely feel your movements eventhough umi is 120% sure you are having good dancing timw inside there. Hehe. Many people says umi's baby bump is small at this 16th week of pregnancy. They said umi is dieting, umi doesnt eat enough etc. But umi knows umi had enough food for you and umi. Inshaallah! Grow well baby.

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