Monday 21 May 2018

To forgive and to overlook

When someone hurts you, there are several permissible ways in which you can react to that.

First, you can go to Allah with your weakness and make doa. A supplication to Allah, against the one who have hurt you. Rasullullah said, the doa of the one who is oppressed will never be rejected.

Or there is another option you can do which basically wait until the day of judgment where you demand some good deeds from the one who hurt you in the dunya equivalent to the amount of the hurt they caused you and had that person have no good deeds to pass down to you, then you end up giving them some of your bad deeds. This is based from an authentic hadith from the Rasullullah.

The third option which is the best of options, an option which only a few people pursue and may Allah make me and you amongst the few. The option is when you FORGIVE and OVERLOOK the pain which the person have caused you. So, you do not make doa against them and you do not wait until the judgment day to gain some of the good deeds, rather you simply FORGIVE.

You might ask, what is the benefit of this? The benefit is a REWARD from Allah. It is a reward that is limitless, that is something that your mind cannot imagine, something that your eyes have never seen, something that your ears have never heard about. Allah said, “..whoever forgives and reconciles, then the reward is on Me". When the King of this dunya tells you “I have a gift or a reward for you”, then you know for a fact that reward or that gift will be equivalent to the wealth, power, majesty and capability of that King. Masyaallah. 

You know for a fact that Allah has an amazing reward being saved for you. May Allah allow me and you to taste the sweetness of the reward, ameen.

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